We exist to help overextended testing coordinators regain valuable time to spend on other priorities. That’s why we invented TestHound.
TestHound® is a comprehensive K-12 testing software and the only test enablement solution that integrates data from disparate systems into a single platform for efficient assessment coordination.
TestHound® Benefits
Reduce stress and increase efficiency with automatically generated forms for materials control, testing schedules, room rosters, and attendance forms.
Centralize the most current information from student information systems, as well as Special Education and English Language Learner programs.
Ensure all students receive the correct test with the correct accommodations.
Easily verify that students have met assessment requirements for graduation or promotion.
Reclaim time to spend with students and gain peace of mind with efficiently and accurately coordinated assessments.
TestHound meets a critical need for anyone administering assessments. TestHound should be used all over the United States, anywhere state assessments are done. I truly don’t know how any district or campus is coordinating assessments without TestHound.”
— PAM BROWN, Director of Counseling &
Assessment, Lubbock-Cooper Independent School District