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Let's Advance Education Together

Education Advanced, Inc. is a proud sponsor of the National Association of Testing Professionals.

Kids taking a test

We exist to help overextended testing coordinators regain valuable time to spend on other priorities. That’s why we invented TestHound.

TestHound logo

TestHound® is a comprehensive K-12 testing software and the only test enablement solution that integrates data from disparate systems into a single platform for efficient assessment coordination.

TestHound® Benefits

  • Reduce stress and increase efficiency with automatically generated forms for materials control, testing schedules, room rosters, and attendance forms.

  • Centralize the most current information from student information systems, as well as Special Education and English Language Learner programs.
  • Ensure all students receive the correct test with the correct accommodations.

  • Easily verify that students have met assessment requirements for graduation or promotion.

  • Reclaim time to spend with students and gain peace of mind with efficiently and accurately coordinated assessments.

TestHound meets a critical need for anyone administering assessments. TestHound should be used all over the United States, anywhere state assessments are done. I truly don’t know how any district or campus is coordinating assessments without TestHound.”

PAM BROWN, Director of Counseling & Assessment, Lubbock-Cooper Independent School District

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